7 Days of Good News

A devotional for people who mess up, feel alone, frustrated and tired.  There is good news that Jesus says, "Come to me."

Day 1

Pastor Adam Yaros

Good news... it's never random.  It is always good for a reason.  Today Pastor Adam is going to walk you through why Jesus coming to earth is not just good news in general but good news for our whole world.

Day 2

Pastor Paul Glassford

Yesterday we walked through how Jesus coming to earth is good news for everyone in the big picture of our world.   Today is going to show you how Jesus coming to earth is also good news for you personally.

Day 3

Pastor Justus Portman

Have you ever wondered, what exactly should a Christians life look like?  Or where am I supposed to go from here now that I want to follow Jesus?  The gospel is good news, but the good news is not that it just saves you from an empty life but because it invites you into a new life of fullness.

Day 4

Pastor Chris Stutzman

It is great news that the gospel invites us to live a life of fullness and all that God intends for us, but how do I start living a different life?  When we are used to living a certain way, we have habits and routines that go along with that.  What if it were possible for us to take off that former way of life and put on the life Jesus invites us to?

Day 5

Pastor Kody Vagle

It does not take long before you get frustrated following Jesus.  You want to live for him.  You want to obey him and live in a way that is right by him... so why do I find myself doing the very opposite?  If I am new, why do I live like the old me?  Good news... you are not alone.  Even better news... Jesus meets you in the struggle of taking off your old self and putting on your new self.

Day 6

Pastor Matt Burke

Yesterday we talked about the struggle between your old self and your new self.  That can get tiring very quickly.  Today we will talk about how there is good news even when we grow tired... when we grow weary and tired and frustrated, Jesus invites us to come to him for rest.  Even when I mess up and am exhausted of failing him?  Isn't that great news?  It's the gospel!

Day 7

Pastor Justin Bechtel

In the journey of following Jesus, it is an ongoing identity change.  But it is, in fact, a journey and through the entire thing we have the good news that our Heavenly Father sees us as he sees Jesus.  He doesn't see us as our old self but as our new self which being conformed into the image of Christ.  He sees the conforming in its finished form, but we see it in progress.  Today the good news is that we can be hidden in Christ as we conform to his image.

Thank you for reading our 7 Days of Good News devotional! 

Always remember that Jesus gives you an invitation that says, "Come to me!"  Regardless of where you are coming from, you can come to him and like the father from Luke 15, he will receive you with open arms.